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Friday, April 29, 2022

8 Benefits of Drinking Lemonade Regularly

8 Benefits of Drinking Lemonade Regularly It's been shown through 200 epidemiological and clinical studies that fruit and vegetable-based diet can halve the risk of suffering from chronic diseases.

8 Benefits of Drinking Lemonade Regularly

8 Benefits of Drinking Lemonade Regularly

Citrus fruits are no exception. Lemonade: The Perfect Combination of Water and Lemon. Lemon, a fruit from the Indian lemon tree, is known for its vitamin C (ascorbic acid) contents. This is a nutrient that the organism needs for collagen synthesis, red blood cells, and the proper functioning of the immune system.

In fact, lemon is one of the citrus fruits with the most vitamin C contents (40 to 70 milligrams per milliliter of juice). However, its valuable properties don't only relate to its ascorbic acid contents. Lemon also contains beta-carotene and flavonoids (hesperidin, diosmin, eriocitrin, etc.).

In short, these substances contain antioxidants and anti-free radicals and have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

We invite you to read more about the benefits of consuming lemon in the following article: Eliminate Uric Acid with Artichoke and Lemon Water. On the other hand, water is an essential life-sustaining element. It hydrates and alleviates digestion, constipation, and headaches. It also regulates body temperature and improves the immune system, among other benefits. Therefore, lemon water is an

8 Benefits of Drinking Lemonade Regularly

excellent remedy and offers an impressive range of benefits.

Here are a few of them. See also: Immediate Natural Remedies for Constipation. Venous Insufficiency. Lemon juice contains diosmin, a substance that doctors use to treat venous insufficiency, varicose veins, and rheumatoid arthritis. It promotes blood circulation, reduces inflammation, and increases collagen production.

Also, this active component is used to improve muscle tone, vascular resistance, and inflammatory conditions. It can even strengthen the walls of the veins. In conclusion, diosmin has anti-inflammatory, anti-haemorrhoidal, and antioxidant properties, among others.

Besides consuming vitamin C, there are other measures that can help control venous dilations. We invite you to read the following article: Read These 6 Tips if You Want to Prevent Varicose Veins.

It Prevents Osteoporosis. Thanks to the effects of vitamin C, lemon juice increases bone density due to the good osteoblastic development of the bone matrix. Also, it stimulates cartilage formation between joints, thus improving bone structure health in general. It's a Good Diuretic. Lemon stimulates the detoxification and cleansing of the urinary tract.

8 Benefits of Drinking Lemonade Regularly

This is because it accelerates the removal of unnecessary elements from our bodies through urine. On the other hand, it inhibits the renal ability to reabsorb sodium and cleanses the body of this macromineral. We recommend that you read: Diuretic Foods that Cleanse Your Body. Natural Laxative. Its laxative function is another known property of this citrus fruit.

8 Benefits of Drinking Lemonade Regularly

By stimulating the production of digestive enzymes, lemon juice improves intestinal activity and softens stool, thus relieving constipation. Prevents Anemia. The effects of lemonade also participate in the tissue formation that prevents anemia. It facilitates iron absorption in the gastrointestinal tract and promotes the mobilization of this mineral from the body's deposits. In fact, iron absorption from meat, fish, or chicken may be increased 4 times

more than iron that comes from foods like milk, cheese, or eggs.

Improves Digestion. Lemonade stimulates the production of saliva, gastric juices in the stomach, and pepsin. These substances promote digestion because they break down food, thus ensuring proper protein absorption. If you suffer from indigestion after a good meal, heartburn, bloating, or gas, drink a glass of water. You will feel relief within a few minutes.

8 Benefits of Drinking Lemonade Regularly

Helps You Lose Weight. Thanks to caffeine, pectin, limonene, and vitamin C, lemon inhibits appetite, boosts metabolism, and decreases fat absorption in the body. On the other hand, it reduces the production of cholesterol, triglycerides, and high blood sugar levels. If you want to lose weight, lemonade is not a miracle cure, but it will help you reach your goal.

Balances pH.

The potential of hydrogen (pH) measures the concentration of hydrogen ions in the body. A healthy pH level varies between 7.3 and 7.45. However, poor eating and life habits cause alterations in their balance.

This is because these levels prevent stabilization through the kidneys. As a result, such a state causes disease. Lemon, and therefore lemonade, despite being acids, becomes alkaline when entering the body. This is why it purifies the blood and detoxifies the body. In fact, this alkylating effect is reflected externally because it improves our appearance.

8 Benefits of Drinking Lemonade Regularly

8 Benefits of Drinking Lemonade Regularly

This includes dry skin, brittle nails, and lifeless hair. If you want to learn more about this topic, check out the following article: How to Get Rid of Too Much Acid in Your Body. We expect these benefits will motivate you to regularly consume lemonade. There is nothing better than taking advantage of the benefits that nature provides us 

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Homemade Lemonade + 4 Easy Lemonade Recipes | A Sweet Pea Chef

 Hey, there. Lacey here with A Sweet Pea Chef. And during the summer I absolutely love an ice-cold lemonade to beat the heat because it gets hot out here in Texas. The problem with so many lemonade recipes though is it they just have so much sugar in them, and we just don't need that. All you need is just a few simple ingredients.

So, let me show you how to make homemade lemonade with just a few easy, unrefined ingredients.

Homemade Lemonade + 4 Easy Lemonade Recipes |  A Sweet Pea Chef

Homemade Lemonade + 4 Easy Lemonade Recipes |  A Sweet Pea Chef

Plus, I'm gonna show you how to turn that lemonade into four other really fruity, delicious, flavorful lemonade. So, let's get started. So, we're gonna make a base lemonade recipe. It's basically gonna be the base for all of our other ones.

And it's very simple and it's a delicious lemonade recipe just by itself. So, we're gonna get started. We need to start a simple honey syrup recipe. Instead of using white sugar, we're gonna be using a little bit of raw honey. To make it, just combine water with a little bit of raw honey, and then we're gonna cook this over medium heat until the honey is dissolved.

Then we'll just transfer that out of the pan and let it sit and cool. And that is gonna be the simple honey syrup that we're gonna use to sweeten our lemonade recipe. If this happens to look familiar to you, that's because you watched my homemade soda recipe which is another option for a healthy iced drink during the summer. You could check that one out if you want to as well. Next, we need to juice our lemons.

And let me show you a trick for getting the most juice out of your lemon which is really easy. All you have to do is on a hard surface, you just take one of your lemons and you roll it using your hands on the hard surface pressing down. What that's gonna do is gonna release all of that juice from the membranes of the lemon so that when you slice it in half, it's gonna just explode with juice. It's awesome. So then, we're just gonna slice the lemon in half and then we're gonna juice our lemons.

Homemade Lemonade + 4 Easy Lemonade Recipes |  A Sweet Pea Chef

Homemade Lemonade + 4 Easy Lemonade Recipes |  A Sweet Pea Chef

And then, once you have all of that freshly squeezed lemon juice, we're gonna add that to the bottom of our pitcher. Then we're gonna follow it up with our simple honey syrup that we made and then fill the remainder of your pitcher up with cold water and then just stir to combine. This is now our honey-sweetened base lemonade recipe. You can go enjoy it. If you all you want is just some lemonade, this is it.

This is the recipe to go to. But let me show you how to kick it up four different ways to have really, really cool iced lemonade recipes this summer. So let's start off with my favorite which is a homemade strawberry lemonade recipe. This is just so pretty and so tangy and delicious and strawberry. It's perfect.

So, to get started, we need to break down our strawberries and I'm gonna put them into the blender and then blend them until they're mostly pureed.

You don't need them to be a full puree. And then we're gonna transfer those chopped strawberries from the blender into a fine-mesh sieve and we're gonna press through with a spoon to get all of that juice out into the bottom of a bowl. And this is gonna be our strawberry juice that we're gonna be using for our strawberry lemonade. If you wanna have all those pieces and you wanna have it be a chunky lemonade, you wouldn't do this step.

You wouldn't need to press any of that stuff through. You just transfer it straight from the blender into your lemonade recipe. So next, grab that strawberry juice we just pressed and then put that into the bottom of our glass.

Homemade Lemonade + 4 Easy Lemonade Recipes |  A Sweet Pea Chef

I'm using a mason jar. Then pour our base lemonade over the top of that and then top it with a few ice cubes and you are good to go.

Strawberry lemonade is probably my favorite lemonade combination ever. The flavors are so great and it's so cool to make without any refined ingredients. Next, let's make a blueberry lemonade recipe that is so pretty and tasty. So, for the blueberries, we don't actually blend them in the blender like we did with the strawberries. Instead, we are gonna cook them a little bit so they cook down and that's gonna make them sweeter and it's also going to make them have a really cool blue color.

So, add your fresh blueberries to the sauce pan and then we're gonna heat that over a medium-high heat. We want our blueberries to break down and start to release their juices. That's when you know that they're ready to go.

They're also gonna become a much darker color at that point too. Then transfer the cooked blueberries over to your fine-mesh sieve and then we're gonna press through to get blueberry juice to put into our lemonade.

To make the blueberry lemonade, we're gonna add the blueberry juice to the bottom of our tall glass. Then we're gonna follow it with our base lemonade mixture and then top it off with some ice cubes and you're ready to have blueberry lemonade. I love the color and the natural sweetness of this blueberry lemonade. It's so tasty and so pretty and such a cool way to have blueberries also during the summer. Now since it is the summer and we have so many fresh peaches everywhere here in Texas, you know we gotta make a fresh peach lemonade recipe.

Just like with our blueberries, we need to cook our peaches to get them to release their juices.

Homemade Lemonade + 4 Easy Lemonade Recipes |  A Sweet Pea Chef

So we're gonna add some chopped, pitted peaches to a medium sauce pan. We're gonna heat that over a medium-high heat until they start to really break down and release their juices. Then just transfer the cooked peaches into the fine-mesh sieve and then press through using a spoon. And this is gonna give us peach juice.

Use that peach juice in the bottom of our mason jar. Follow that up with our base lemonade recipe all the way to the top except leave a little bit of space to add a few ice cubes and you are ready to have peach lemonade. This peach lemonade is the perfect option during the summer if you have all those peaches on your counter. It just had so much natural sweetness and the peach flavor really shines through in the lemonade. It's really, really good.

All right. Now we're gonna make a homemade raspberry lemonade that is tart and delicious and full of vibrant flavor. So, just like our strawberries, we are going to add our fresh raspberries to a blender and then we're gonna blend it all up so they break down.

Then, we're gonna transfer our broken down raspberries into our fine-mesh sieve and press this through. Remember, if you want all these pieces in your lemonade and you don't want a smooth lemonade mixture, you can always just skip this step and add it directly into our lemonade cup.

But if you wanna have a nice, smooth texture, press it through the sieve until you have all of the raspberry mixture done. Then we're gonna transfer the raspberry juice to the bottom of our cup and then follow that up with our base lemonade mixture then top off with a few extra ice cubes to keep it nice and cold for your raspberry lemonade. Fresh raspberries make this lemonade tart, super vibrant and really delicious and it's so, so tasty. Okay. So, now you have a go-to raw honey-sweetened lemonade that you can use any time you want plus four delicious ways to kick it up a notch with fresh fruit.

These are all naturally sweetened, no extra added refined sugars, they're super tasty, naturally colored and so awesome for the summer.

Homemade Lemonade + 4 Easy Lemonade Recipes |  A Sweet Pea Chef

I hope you enjoy these recipes. I hope you make them. Let me know which one your favorite is or if there are some ones that I haven't made yet that you totally want me to add to a new video. Thanks so much for watching.

Make sure to give this video a thumbs up if you liked it and I will see you next time. Bye-bye.

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"State Fair" Lemonade - Best Lemonade Ever - Food Wishes

Hello this is chef john from with state fair lemonade that's right I am very excited to be showing you how to make real authentic vintage lemonade the kind you might enjoy on a hot summer day if one of those stands at the state fair maybe while you're not on a corn dog or funnel cake and while everybody thinks

they've had lemonade before unless you've had it made using this method you actually have not even close so with that let's go ahead and get started and what we're going to need here are six of the finest lemons you can find which I've washed very thoroughly and if yours seem kind of waxy you might want to give them a pretty good scrub under hot water since the whole key to this recipe is using the peel and what we'll do first is take a vegetable peeler and

peel the zest completely off all these lemons right not too deep mostly we just want the yellow part but if there's a little bit of white attached that's totally fine and if you've ever wondered why the lemonade at those stands at the state fair or the county fairs is so much better than ours well this recipe is going to show you why okay most of us just make lemonade out of lemon juice but as you might know the oils in the lemon peel contain a tremendous amount of lemon flavor and if we can somehow extract that and add it to the flavor of the juice we're going to end up with something far superior

so what we'll do is peel all those lemons as shown and of course, we're going to save those so we can cut them in half and squeeze them later, and then to our bowl of lemon peels we're going to go ahead and dump in our white granulated sugar and then we'll give that a thorough mix and what's going to happen here is this sits is that sugar is going to pull out all those essential oils from the peel and then we will use the sugar to sweeten our lemonade thereby

introducing all that lemony goodness into our drink so a very simple trick but devastatingly effective so once we have that mixed what we'll do is cover it and we'll let it sit out from anywhere between 2 and 12 hours in a little longer it's probably better but 2 hours is fine at which point your sugar and lemon should look something like this and what this mixture is actually called by ancient Romans or contemporary Williamsburg bartenders is oliosacrum which yes translates to oily sugar and then what we'll do next is place five cups

of cold freshwater over high heat and we will bring that up to a boil and then just as soon as that water starts to boil we will turn off the heat and transfer in our sugar and lemon mixture and we'll go ahead and give that a stir and then we'll simply let it sit there for about five minutes or so or until all that sugar is dissolved at which point we're simply going to strain it back into the bowl and man do I wish you could smell this stuff smells so good and then the only thing this

needs to finish it off is, of course, our fresh lemon juice which we do not want to squeeze in while this is really hot otherwise I think we might lose some of that bright fresh lemon flavor so what we'll do after straining is just let this cool down to room temp at which point then it's safe to go ahead and squeeze in our lemons which I'm just going to do by hand through this strainer although if you have one of those lemon squeezers like I usually use that might work out even better but anyway the strainer was right here so I used the manual

method and obviously if you want to adjust the amount of sugar or the amount of lemon go ahead I mean you are after all the Mr. Kincaid of your state fair lemonade and it's up to you to manage your family's business beverage-related or otherwise so you're definitely allowed to tweak the amounts and I've been known to squeeze in a little extra fresh lemon juice because I like mine tangy and that's it once our fresh lemon juice has been squeezed in we can transfer everything into a serving pitcher at which point I like to cover it and refrigerate it

until very very well chilled all right if you pour this over ice now and it's not super cold it's going to melt the ice and maybe water down your drink so I'm going to go ahead and pop this in the fridge for a while after which we can pull it out and pour it over some ice and then we'll enjoy probably the greatest lemonade you've ever tasted all right we have that tangy fresh lemon flavor from the juice along with that much deeper more intense more complex flavor from the lemon oil which is what makes this a truly extraordinary beverage so i

think we need to update that saying when life gives you lemons peel them first toss them in sugar and then make lemonade oh yeah words to live by although there is one small problem I should warn you about and that's that once you start drinking lemonade made like this it is virtually impossible to go back drinking it how you used to and you're going to need a really good poker face when your friend hands you a glass of that non-authentic lemonade because even

though you're going to be smiling and say thanks your eyes and body language might be communicating this is not everything it could be at which point their eyes might communicate just drink it and stop looking at me like that but anyway that's it how to make that awesome old-fashioned lemonade that you get at those stands at the state fair since pretty much all those have been canceled this year we thought the timing was perfect for showing you how to do

this is why I really do hope you give this a try soon so please follow the links below for the ingredient amounts a printable written recipe and much more info as usual as always enjoy you

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How to Make Homemade Lemonade Using Real Lemons

 Today on The Stay At Home Chef I'm showing you how to make homemade lemonade using real lemons! Freshly Squeezed lemonade is an old-fashioned treat you can enjoy all spring and summer long. I bought this huge bag of lemons at Costco and I cut them all in half.

I'm going to take my strainer and put it directly over my measuring cup. And squeeze the lemon juice right into it using my handy dandy little hand juicer.

How to Make Homemade Lemonade Using Real Lemons

How to Make Homemade Lemonade Using Real Lemons

The strainer will catch all of the seeds and pulp leaving nothing but the juice. I love this little hand juicer because it really digs in there and gets all of the juice out. When you're using fresh lemons it's hard to predict how much lemon juice you'll get from each one so when you're making homemade lemonade it's important to squeeze the lemon juice first because homemade lemonade is all about the ratio.

How to Make Homemade Lemonade Using Real Lemons

It looks like we have about 2 cups which is perfect. So now I'm going to pour this directly into a pitcher and then head on over to the stove to make our simple syrup.

We have a saucepan we'll get it heating here. And since we had two cups of lemon juice we will pour in 2 cups of water. You want to use the same ratio here and then 2 cups of sugar.

You can see that the liquid looks all milky. You want to start this over the heat until it goes clear again.

This part is chemistry in action! You're really dissolving the sugar into the water to form a solution. The heat is what allows the sugar to dissolve completely. If you just put it in cold water and threw it together you would have something but this will create a smooth textured simple syrup that will be perfect for lemonade. It really doesn't take long for that sugar to dissolve.

How to Make Homemade Lemonade Using Real Lemons

The solution has a little bit of a yellowish tint to it but it'll be clear and that's how you know it's done.

So, remove it from the heat and pour this directly in with your lemonade Lemon juice, I meant to put it in with the lemon juice, not the lemonade. Putting it together is when it becomes lemonade. Now at this point, you can actually freeze this for later enjoyment. Just pour it into a gallon ziplock bag and lay it flat in the freezer.

But I'm not gonna do that today. I want to enjoy it fresh so at this point you'll just add water to personal taste. Some people like their lemonade super strong while other people like it a little more on the weak side and that's ok. You can also add in fresh lemon to make it all pretty...

How to Make Homemade Lemonade Using Real LemonsHow to Make Homemade Lemonade Using Real Lemons

.lots of ice because that syrup is hot. And then pour yourself a delicious glass of fresh-squeezed homemade lemonade. Thanks for watching! The recipe is in the video description Give this video a quick thumbs up to let me know you like it and subscribe to my channel for more awesome recipes!

Be sure to check out all my links for other great videos that you might enjoy.

See you later!.

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Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Ginger Garlic Lemon And Honey Mixture | Immune Boosting Tonic

 in today's video, we will talk about ginger garlic lemon, and honey mixture the strongest immune-boosting tonic if you are looking for a natural recipe to lower blood sugars and improve heart disease risk factors lower cholesterol levels reduce blood pressure improve digestive health combat sickness including the common cold fight infections help with osteoarthritis help with weight loss treat many forms of nausea significantly reduce menstrual pain prevent kidney stones protect against anemia prevent cancer prevent Alzheimer's disease and dementia help you live longer and more this immune

Ginger Garlic Lemon And Honey Mixture | Immune Boosting Tonic

boosting tonic is perfect for you it is made with simple ingredients that are readily available at home first ingredient is ginger ginger is high in gingerol a substance with powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties just 1 to 1.5 grams of ginger can help prevent various types of nausea including chemotherapy-related nausea nausea after surgery and morning sickness according to studies in animals and humans ginger may help improve weight-related measurements these include bodyweight and the waist-hip ratio

there are some studies showing ginger to be effective at reducing symptoms of osteoarthritis especially osteoarthritis of the knee ginger has been shown to lower blood sugar levels and improve various heart disease risk factors in people with type 2 diabetes ginger appears to speed up the emptying of the stomach which can be beneficial for people with indigestion and related stomach discomfort ginger appears to be very effective against menstrual pain when taken at the beginning of the menstrual period ginger can

Ginger Garlic Lemon And Honey Mixture | Immune Boosting Tonic

lead to significant reductions in LDL bad cholesterol total cholesterol and blood triglyceride levels ginger contains the substance gingerol which appears to have protective effects against cancer ginger can protect against age-related damage to the brain it can also help improve brain function in middle-aged women ginger may help fight harmful bacteria and viruses which could reduce your risk for infections second ingredient garlic contains sulfur compounds

which are believed to bring some the health benefits garlic is low in calories and rich in vitamin c vitamin b6 and manganese it also contains trace amounts of various other nutrients garlic helps prevent and reduce the severity of common illnesses like the flu and common cold high doses of garlic appear to improve blood pressure for those with known high blood pressure hypertension in some instances supplements may be as effective as regular medications garlic supplements seem to reduce total and LDL cholesterol, particularly in those who have high cholesterol garlic, contains antioxidants that

Ginger Garlic Lemon And Honey Mixture | Immune Boosting Tonic

protect against cell damage and aging it may reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease and dementia garlic has known beneficial effects on common causes of chronic disease so it makes sense that it could also help you live longer garlic may improve physical performance in people with heart disease garlic was shown to significantly reduce lead toxicity and related symptoms in one study garlic appears to have some benefits for bone health by increasing estrogen levels in females third ingredient lemon lemons are high in heart-healthy

vitamin c and several beneficial plant compounds may lower cholesterol studies show that lemon extract and plant compounds may promote weight loss lemon juice may help prevent kidney stones lemons contain vitamin c and citric acid which help you absorb non-heme iron from plants this may prevent anemia some plant chemicals found in lemons have been shown to prevent cancer the soluble fiber in lemons could help improve digestive health fourth ingredient honey is primarily composed of sugar provides small amounts of several vitamins and minerals and is rich in health-promoting plant

Ginger Garlic Lemon And Honey Mixture | Immune Boosting Tonic

compounds of honey contain a number of antioxidants including phenolic acids and flavonoids antioxidants help neutralize reactive oxygen species rose in your body which can build up in cells and cause damage honey may offer some protective effects related to blood sugar management but it should still be consumed in moderation, especially by people with type 2 diabetes honey has been linked to beneficial effects on heart health including reduced blood pressure and blood fat levels how to make the immunity-boosting recipe with ginger garlic lemon and honey ingredients 2

lemons 1 half-cup ginger one-half cup garlic one-half cup honey instructions one peel and chop all ingredients before combining them in a blender two blend until smooth like a paste without adding any additional liquid 3.

Ginger Garlic Lemon And Honey Mixture | Immune Boosting Tonic

transfer to a clean jar and place in the fridge the longer it rests in the fridge the stronger it becomes yet the flavor becomes milder and more pleasant how to take this immunity-boosting tonic recipe take this immune-boosting tonic first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and or half an hour before meals and before bed you can take one or two tablespoons each day as a preventative step depending on your needs take one teaspoon every three to four

hours until you feel better if you are fighting a cold or an acute infection thanks for watching don't forget to like this video share it with your friends and subscribe to get updates on new videos.

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Turmeric Ginger Tea I Easy, Immune Boosting & Anti-inflammatory recipe

 - If you've been following me for a while you know that I am a big fan of turmeric. I especially love using fresh turmeric in my cooking every day. I know most of you like it as well because my turmeric golden milk, homemade turmeric paste, and turmeric smoothies recipes are amongst the most popular ones on my blog, In today's video, I will show you how to make my turmeric ginger tea that I serve with some fresh lemon slices.

Honestly guys, throughout the colder winter months I make a batch of this in the morning and sip on it throughout the day.

Turmeric Ginger Tea I Easy, Immune Boosting & Anti-inflammatory recipe

Now, before I show you how to make it, I have to be honest. There is hardly a recipe here. The ingredients list is pretty simple and made up of fresh turmeric, fresh ginger, lemon slices, water, optional honey, a tiny bit of coconut oil, and a pinch of black pepper. I can almost hear you like, "Why are we putting coconut oil and black pepper into our tea?

" Without going into too much detail, here's what you need to know. Research shows that turmeric has many components that are good for our health, but the most well-researched and known active ingredient in turmeric is called curcumin. Curcumin is known to promote the holistic health of the body with its antioxidant, antibacterial, anticarcinogenic, and anti-inflammatory properties. However, sadly for us our bodies are enabled to absorb curcumin when we consume it just by itself. This is where black pepper comes to our help.

One of the active components in black pepper, piperine is known to help us absorb curcumin when they interact with each other. In other words, a pinch of freshly ground black pepper helps our bodies to take in some of the benefits of these magic golden roots. This brings me to why we use coconut oil. If you're thinking about using turmeric in tea recipes like this, you're probably familiar with turmeric golden milk. I shared my version of the golden milk recipe a few years ago and it has been a reader favorite ever since.

If you look back at the ancient Ayurvedic practice you will see that they make golden milk with a little bit of clarified butter, also known as ghee.

Turmeric Ginger Tea I Easy, Immune Boosting & Anti-inflammatory recipe

The reason for this is that curcumin has poor solubility in water. In other words, in order for us to benefit from its full potential, turmeric needs to come in contact with oil. Therefore, similar to all my other recipes that use turmeric I added a little bit of oil to my tea here as well. I opted for coconut oil as it is widely available but if you have access to ghee feel free to use that instead.

Now that we have that out the way, let's go ahead and make a batch of turmeric ginger tea. Start by rinsing your fresh turmeric and ginger. I'm using a one-and-a-half-inch of turmeric and ginger root here. But if yours is a little bit more or a little bit less, it should be fine. You can peel them before chopping but if you give them a good wash, you should be fine just to skip the peeling process.

Turmeric Ginger Tea I Easy, Immune Boosting & Anti-inflammatory recipe

Chop them up into small pieces and then transfer them into a small saucepan. Add in a few slices of lemon and pour in some filtered water. For this amount of turmeric and ginger, I usually use four cups of water but feel free to adjust it according to your taste buds.

Add in a pinch of black pepper and one-eighth of a teaspoon of coconut oil. If you want a little bit of sweetness, add in a bit of honey or maple syrup as well. Bring it to a boil. And as soon as it comes to a boil, strain it through a small, medium-mesh strainer into a cup and garnish with a few lemon slices if you want. That's it. This is truly an easy-to-make and actually good for your drink that you can make in just about 10 minutes. Before I let you go, here are a few things you need to know.

One, if you're unable to find fresh turmeric or ginger, you can use their dried version as well.

For every one inch of turmeric or ginger root, I usually use half a teaspoon of its dried version. Two, during the summertime, you can bring this to room temperature, and then place it in a jar filled with ice to serve it cold for more like a refreshing turmeric ice tea. Three, beware that turmeric stains so badly. So don't wear your favorite white jeans or shirt when you're cooking or consuming turmeric.

And finally, as it is with everything in life turmeric should be

consumed in small quantities. I'm not a medical professional, so be sure to consult your doctor if you have any health concerns and get advice for your specific situation. If you want the full printable recipe for this turmeric tea head on to to get this and more similar, healthy, and easy-to-make turmeric recipes to help you use more of it in your daily cooking. If you make this turmeric ginger tea, be sure to share it on Instagram so that I can see your creations.

Turmeric Ginger Tea I Easy, Immune Boosting & Anti-inflammatory recipe

And if you like this video and learned a thing or two, it will be so helpful if you give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel. Thank you so much for watching. I will see you next time. (gentle music). Turmeric Ginger Tea I Easy, Immune Boosting & Anti-inflammatory recipe

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