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Thursday, April 14, 2022

Del Taco® ๐ŸŒ… STUFFED QUESADILLA JUMBO SHRIMP TACOS Review ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿง€๐Ÿค๐ŸŒฎ Peep THIS Out! ๐Ÿ•ต️‍♂️

 hey everyone and welcome or welcome back to the channel it's Ian K where today I'm over at del  taco to check out the newest version of their stuffed quesadilla tacos that look perfectly  suited for the season of lent that's right and you already know so stay tuned because the stuffed  quesadilla jumbo shrimp taco is up next welcome to peep this out reviews with Ian K stay frosty all right it's that time of year again del taco's bringing back their crispy jumbo

Del Taco® ๐ŸŒ… STUFFED QUESADILLA JUMBO SHRIMP TACOS Review ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿง€๐Ÿค๐ŸŒฎ Peep THIS Out! ๐Ÿ•ต️‍♂️

shrimp and I would expect nothing different from them because they pretty much do it every single year it's  an annual thing over here at del taco but what is different this time out is they're actually  putting it on the inside of a quesadilla that's right guys feast your eyes on it, in this case, it's the stuffed quesadilla jumbo shrimp taco and I gotta say this is looking really really great  already let's break this one down all right so starting us off what we've got here is two flour  tortillas and in between, we've got some queso Blanco and some cheddar cheese so that definitely  simulates the quesadilla

a portion of this taco and as we go further on in you're gonna notice we've  got three large crispy jumbo shrimp definitely looking pretty awesome plenty of shredded cabbage  secret sauce and pico de gallo with some cilantro I might add I'm gonna have to do something about  that but guys it's looking really nice very colorful and absolutely hearty to fill this  one out and guess what this actually comes with a lime wedge to go with it as well so that should be  a nice accent to what we've got here but again a very colorful presentation and of course, it  looks very hearty so let's not waste any

more time on this one let's definitely peep this out  yes sir as most of you guys know I am not a fan of cilantro and this is pretty much littered all  throughout with the pico de gallo so I'm going to try and give this a shot with the pico but  even still with everything else this has on the inside of a quesadilla I'm definitely thinking  the presentation so let's do just that guys I'm excited about it the shrimp is looking pretty  awesome here we go it's the stuffed quesadilla jumbo

Del Taco® ๐ŸŒ… STUFFED QUESADILLA JUMBO SHRIMP TACOS Review ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿง€๐Ÿค๐ŸŒฎ Peep THIS Out! ๐Ÿ•ต️‍♂️

shrimp taco here at del taco let's do it all right I got just a little bit of cilantro in that bite but it wasn't too bad because the  overpowering flavor is gonna be the cheese the savory sauce that this one has got as  well as the shrimp guys that crispy goodness is pretty awesome take a look at this on the  inside and as you're gonna see we've got a nice ring of the goodness a half ring on the bottom  of cheesy action with this there is plenty of that there and of course  with the shrimp in the middle a very hearty first bite definitely digging this already  yeah I got a nice over abundance of the cheesy action with this one not necessarily the queso  Blanco it's more of the melted

cheddar cheese and that's okay because it's very vibrant very rich  but guys with the crispiness of that shrimp as well and the savory sauce that it's got a little bit more of a creamier type of vibe it is really really good and again as I mentioned with  the return of the jumbo crispy shrimp over here at del taco I've reviewed it definitely a few  times over the years you can take a look at that playlist popping up on your screen right now for  proof of all of that I gotta say it's a worthy addition as a protein substitute from the other  versions of these stuff quesadillas that I did pretty recently take a look at that jumping up on  your screen here right now as well

that was a lot of fun checking out different versions of these  so being that it's technically fish season and of course, everyone is down with fish sandwiches  around this time of the year I'm absolutely digging this variation so far let's keep going in they are hearty really good you know at first I was like why wouldn't they just put four shrimp in this  considering the length of this tortilla but they are pretty nicely sized guys so in between that  you're gonna get all the other flavorful goodness that you see here and as you can see more of that  quesadilla that cross-shot is looking beautiful cheese is

Del Taco® ๐ŸŒ… STUFFED QUESADILLA JUMBO SHRIMP TACOS Review ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿง€๐Ÿค๐ŸŒฎ Peep THIS Out! ๐Ÿ•ต️‍♂️

all the way around this one and I gotta  say it is totally adding to the experience it's very very delicious so far on this for sure  and yes I got that all out in one bread so let me go for another bite to rest up for  a bit because guys I am right into the middle right there of the quesadilla and it is looking  absolutely stunning so let's go for another bite on this one let's keep doing it man you can't fade cheese it's good  yeah this is a super tasty experience right now aside from the slight saltiness that I'm getting  from the cheese

which is really shining through with really awesome cheddar flavor the saltiness  that I'm getting from the breading of the shrimp themselves is adding to the overall experience  of everything add in the creamy coolness that I'm getting from that sauce and of course the  nice little light crunch that I'm getting from the lettuce overall it's very hearty guys and again it  is flavorful I am just so digging how the quality is on this I have to say again with that nice  half cheese ring that you're getting with this with the quesadilla

it's definitely lighting it  up absolutely beautifully alright so let's go for one more bite on this one because I think you get  the point by now this is a pretty nice addition to the menu for a limited time only over here at  del taco and again with the addition of shrimp on top of the quesadilla action it works amazingly  well especially when it's filled with this much cheese one more bite we'll close it out hang on well when it comes to fast food fish I can definitely get down with fried shrimp guys  especially when it's jumbo-sized like this and it works extremely well on the inside  of a quesadilla as we go 360 around this one you're going to see it fills out what  we've got here pretty nicely with all the other accouterment on the very top of it  and again when you have a lot of cheese to go with a very hearty bite and overall just very very  satisfying this is a high recommendation to give a go especially because it's fish season why

Del Taco® ๐ŸŒ… STUFFED QUESADILLA JUMBO SHRIMP TACOS Review ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿง€๐Ÿค๐ŸŒฎ Peep THIS Out! ๐Ÿ•ต️‍♂️

not  all right hold on a sec you didn't think I was gonna actually forget about the lime wedge did  you believe it or not I almost did let's go for a little bit of lime goodness on this guys and  give this a shot hopefully that's gonna stay as focused as it can one more quick bite hang on  hmm lime goodness absolutely oh adds to the overall flavor obviously oh yeah heavy heavy  flavor with this with lime kind of comes alive more vibrant banging really good stuffed quesadilla jumbo shrimp tacos only a del taco and here I thought I had a score  in mind for this one right up until I tried it with lime guys that really takes this one up a  notch so with that said I'm gonna have to give the all-new stuff quesadilla jumbo shrimp taco  here at del taco

an obvious 9 out of 10 I was kind of thinking about 8, 8 1/2  with that one but believe it or not it comes alive with that lime my only gripe though  is the fact that the queso Blanco it's supposed to have on the bottom really wasn't there for me  was more of the melted cheddar cheese and there's nothing wrong with that because it was good but  guys like I said everything else across the board instantly heightened with that lime goodness and the  crispy goodness with the jumbo shrimp a banging situation an easy recommendation to check out  all right so do me a quick favor drop some comments down below let me know if  you're going to be giving this one a shot over here at del taco and if you've tried  all the other versions of

the stuff quesadilla tacos like I have here on the channel which is  your personal favorite and why I mean which is your major go-to out of all the ones out there  drop some comments down below and definitely let me know and with that this is Ian K closing out  another high-quality foodie feature for you here on peep this out reviews bringing you brand new  content every single week here on my channel so while you stay tuned for that next review coming real  soon in the meantime stay frosty well I gotta say this stuff

Del Taco® ๐ŸŒ… STUFFED QUESADILLA JUMBO SHRIMP TACOS Review ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿง€๐Ÿค๐ŸŒฎ Peep THIS Out! ๐Ÿ•ต️‍♂️

quesadilla taco would be just as good  in my opinion with just regular jumbo shrimp the unbreaded kind but being that it does have  that crispy goodness I can totally appreciate that alright guys until next time I'll talk to you soon  hey thanks for checking out another one of my reviews but just in case you didn't see  the one before this one you can find it right up over here along with what I think youtube's  gonna recommend for you to check out as well as always I think you'll find something like  in both of them and I'll definitely catch you in the next one see ya you

Del Taco® ๐ŸŒ… STUFFED QUESADILLA JUMBO SHRIMP TACOS Review ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿง€๐Ÿค๐ŸŒฎ Peep THIS Out! ๐Ÿ•ต️‍♂️

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