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Thursday, April 14, 2022

The Best Fish Tacos

 - Hey bakers, John (mumbles) Kitchen here, and today we're gonna make easy, delicious, and actually, shockingly healthy fish tacos! These have all the crunch, the creaminess, the textures that you love and the flavor is off the chain. They come together in a few minutes and they are the perfect quick family meal. Let's get started! For (mumbles) marinated fish, I'm gonna squeeze a couple of tablespoons of lime juice into a large bowl.

The Best Fish Tacos

You can use lemon juice if you want instead. But I like the zing of lime, and if you really wanna go crazy zest some limes in here too. Add an equal amount of olive oil, so, here we go, a good sprinkle of salt, and while we're at it, some pepper. It's a very basic marinade you can do it ever you want to jazz it up or if you have a favorite fish recipe let me know in the comments I love trying new things out too. We're gonna add our fish in there, just move it all around.

There we go, you can turn it over if you want to. This can hang out here for 20 minutes to half an hour, just cover it, put it in the fridge, and come back to it when you're ready to assemble and bake and (mumbles) While the fish is marinating, we can go ahead and make our pico, it's gonna be really easy and you can totally change the proportions if you want things spicier et cetera et cetera, I want mango in mine, it's whatever you want! So I'm gonna add in most of the jalapeno I would give it a test though because sometimes jalapenos are so spicy and they will shock you, you can't trust 'em.

This one, I'm getting a whiff of, and it is strong! (chuckles) So we can just give it a nice, nice chop.

Wash your hands real carefully after touching this jalapeno. Into our bowl, once you're done. No seeds, please. Now for some onion, and I like to use red onion, just because of the color's pretty! Regular onions are fine too.

Look at that! Nice! Once the onion hangs out with the lime juice for a while, it will lose a lot of its bite and just be really delicious. You won't be eating like a huge piece of onion. Let's give 'em a quick pickle.

I'm gonna add some tomato in here. A little bit of mildness. Tell you something really disappointing. (tapping) Do you hear that? That's not ripe. (mumbles) be going without today. But you should have nice avocados at home, really creamy and delicious. We'll have to think of something to make this special. Start off by adding like half a teaspoon of salt and see how that goes. No (chuckles) what am I doing?

Gonna be making a marinade, no no no, this is pico! Okay. Squeeze that lime juice in there. I'm back.

The Best Fish Tacos

Look at that beautiful lime, I love limes.

Limes always make me think of being on trips and having Margheritas and fish tacos! Okay, let's take a look and see. Something's missing. (laughs) that's a lot of water and sand on my face. No.

Cilantro. I love this stuff so much! Someone else in my house feels like it tastes like soap and won't be around it. It's very sad. Right, let's chop it (mumbles), chop it up.

Do your best to harvest the leaves without getting too many stalks in there but don't go crazy. Oh, I'm having roughage (coughs and laughs) 'kay, give it a nice rough chop (chopping) Mm, yes! Oh, the cilantro! I don't care, I'm taking it all! 'kay, now, we can mix this up, this looks amazing.

Oh! This is my kinda salsa.

You can leave it out if you want. Just a bit more salt and that jalapeno had a crazy smell like it smelled like its gonna be strong but it wasn't so one of my bites didn't have any jalapeno in it. (chopping) Okay.

This goes in here, we get a new spoon, I won't double-dip. Whoa! Okay, this we can take out. (chuckles) And now, let's take a test. (chewing) Mm!

It's like a salad, basically. (mumbles) clean our workspace off, and be right back. I'm gonna drizzle like a little bit of crema on top. I don't have crema, so I'm gonna make some with sour cream and a little bit of lime juice and salt really easy, just to thin it out, get your dairy in there.

The Best Fish Tacos

Sprinkle with salt, a third of a cup of sour cream, and half a lime juice.

Whisk it up and just get the consistency right it has a really wonderful tang and it's also really creamy of course too which complements the fish. There we go. You can just drizzle some of that on there and it will be amazing! Last bit of prep. We're gonna cut up some radishes so you can do whatever you like, I'm gonna give mine thin slices.

I (mumbles) things thinly and they're small, make sure you use your fingernail as a guide for the knife, to protect your little pinkies especially if you have a brand new knife like this and it could literally just chop your finger off without even thinking about it. (chopping) One more. Okay. Can use a couple green onions, and sprinkle 'em on top at the end. All right.

There's one more thing to slice, I lied. Never seen a red cabbage with the exterior leaves on it looks like a little shop of horrors. I don't need that much. This makes an amazing coleslaw, if you have a favorite coleslaw recipe, let me know in the comments I am always looking out for them.

Somebody at the house doesn't like them but I do so I'd eat the whole bowl by myself.

Okay. Give this a nice thin slice. (chopping) Now! (chuckles) All of our prep is done ready to get this fish onto a nice hot skillet. You could also bake it if you wanna do it real quick or do it on a grill if it's grilling season and you're havin' the best time of your life.

I'll be in the kitchen. (Spanish guitar music) All right, my fingers are all nice and toasty and these are the best tortillas, oh my gosh! They're so soft, I thought they were like completely filled with lard or something because they're so like, velvet, pillowy soft unlike most tortillas that are corn tortillas, but they aren't. Hm! Shocking!

Now, let's assemble this. I have a little bit of Cotija because we needed something extra since that avocado was not ripe. So sad. I'm just gonna split up this really tasty, lime-infused fish. Everyone gets like a nice portion of fish.

The Best Fish Tacos

No one gets the skimpy portion. There's a little tortilla assembly line in the making here. I'm usin' my fingers I just washed my hands, don't freak out about it. Get all that amazing cilantro salsa there. Liberally spread it over, you wanna serve these right after assembly, clearly, especially with soft tortillas since all that liquid is gonna make those tortillas melty and fall apart.

A couple of radish slices for everybody. Radishes have a wonderful bite if you don't eat them regularly. My mom is from Mexico so, you're like radishes are a snack you just eat all the time, kinda like chips at least in my limited experience. (chuckles) It's also great on top of soups and things to add some extra texture and crunch. Some of our beautiful cabbage for crunch, just be as strategic on how you add it so it looks really pretty.

The Best Fish Tacos

Literally, the only thing I see is no avocado. (laughs) Where is my avocado?! Right. Let's sprinkle on some of our green onions.

Don't think I forgot about my wonderful homemade crema. Just a little bit over here. And now, for a little crumble of that Cotija, it's gonna give us a nice, salty bite. Oh! This is a nice lunch!

Are you excited about this? I am. I think it's time for a bite! First of all, how does that look? I think it looks pretty good.

Everything is so natural, so fresh, delicious, look (cabbage crunches loudly) These good crunchy times. You don't have to deep fry your fish to make them into a delicious fish taco. If you want to, more power to you, I often do it too but this is so much healthier and you don't lose any of the taste. You also get so much more crunch from the cabbage and the radishes. Hah!

(sighs happily) Okay, I'm ready for a bite.

Let's just get to it. Mm! (groovy Spanish music) (mumbles) so delicious. Oh my gosh.

If you liked this video, check out my "How to make Spanakopita." It is a Greek spinach pie, you are gonna love lots of flavors and it's vegetarian. But for things totally different, why not try my "How to make a chocolate cake" video, my very favorite rich, dreamy chocolate cake, you'll love it and I hope you get to make it. Thanks so much for watching!.

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