ginger is known as a cooking spice that most the people used it is also usually used as a traditional herb to help to warm the body or to help reduce throat pain when coughing but other than that ginger is also very beneficial for our health based on the journal of u.s national library of medicine national institutes of health it turns out that ginger has the potential to treat a number of diseases
including degenerative disorders arthritis and rheumatism besides ginger also can overcome digestive problems constipation and ulcers cardiovascular disorders atherosclerosis and hypertension vomiting and diabetes mellitus here we will explain the benefit of consuming ginger for our body number one anti-aging and anti-cancer ginger has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative properties which can control the aging process another benefit of ginger this herbal plant also has anti-microbial potential that can help in treating infectious diseases in fact the benefits of ginger are said to be able to prevent various cancers however there are things
we should really pay attention to according to the journal above although the anti-cancer potential of ginger has been well documented the benefits of ginger against cancer still require further research before claiming its efficacy number two relieve menstrual pain a number of studies have shown that consuming ginger can relieve menstrual pain in women in fact the efficacy of ginger is said to be not much different from the drugs ibuprofen and mefenamic acid to get the benefits of ginger to relieve pain try to consume at least four glasses of ginger water drink these fluids for two days of the start of menstruation the effect of ginger
on the stomach is said to be able to provide a calming effect from pain number three lowering blood glucose to cholesterol according to u.s national library of medicine national institutes of health regular consumption of ginger can also significantly lower blood glucose not only that regular consumption of ginger can also reduce cholesterol bad fats triglycerides and increase hld good fats number four strengthen immune system ginger contains a lot of vitamin c and magnesium this content makes it help the body to strengthen the immune system in addition to these two substances
ginger also contains gingerol shogails and zingerones which can function as antioxidants for the body number five ward off bacterial and viral infections gingerol content in ginger is believed to inhibit bacterial infections such as shigella e coli and others number six relieve muscle pain a study from the University of Georgia united states ginger has an anti-inflammatory effect which is also efficacious in reducing muscle pain however many sources say that
relieving muscle pain is the benefit of red ginger in that study experts conducted research on 74 people to do several types of exercise the research subjects were divided into two groups namely the group that was given ginger supplements and the group that was only given pills containing sugar the result apparently the pain of muscle pain after exercise in the first group 25 lighter than the second group number seven relieves morning sickness according to
In a study from the royal college of obstetricians and gynecologists ginger is useful for relieving symptoms of morning sickness in early pregnancy ginger root extract has been used for more than 2 000 years to treat symptoms of indigestion such as nausea vomiting constipation flatulence and belching number eight overcoming digestive problems it is believed that the oil extract of ginger is able to overcome problems such as stomach pain because of its antibacterial content digestive disorders generally occur due
to bad bacteria that enter so consumption of ginger is suitable as an antithesis even so there are some things that need to be considered if you want to consume ginger regularly because there are some people who should avoid consuming too much of this plant you can ask a medical expert directly regarding this to be sure you
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