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Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Sushi Mukbang 🍣 Conveyor Belt Sushi "Kura Sushi" | Delicious & Cheap!

 hey guys welcome to my channel Tokyo foodie Sarah today I am here at kurasushi which is  a conveyor belt sushi place as you can see what's good about this place is that  most plates are a hundred yen today I'm gonna be eating as much as I want to so  yeah there's gonna be a lot of clips of me eating but I hope you enjoy this video here's the conveyor and on top of the conveyor you can see that

Sushi Mukbang 🍣 Conveyor Belt Sushi

there's cups for you to make your own tea you put about two teaspoons worth of the green tea powder  and pour some hot water into it here you can find some chopsticks soy sauce some sauce wasabi and the green tea powder that I just  showed you and those pickled ginger because I want to be able to get a thumbnail for myself I'm gonna be choosing maybe three sushi plates from the conveyor belt oh my god they have tuna  so this one is tuna

with some eggs, half-boiled eggs salmon! some grilled salmon wooo aji can you believe that this plate of sushi is only 100 yen oh my god it's so cheap bonito fish with some yuzu so you get this bottle of soy sauce and these come out with like just  a few drops each so you can just like put the soy sauce directly on top of the sushi by default they  don't give you wasabi so if you want to put wasabi inside you have to like put it on separately I don't like wasabi so I'm just gonna eat it as is I'm gonna go for the grilled salmon with mayo I'm gonna go for the tuna with half boiled egg the egg makes the whole thing

really creamy it's so good I love this plate then I'm going to go for the bonito  mmm the yuzu gives it so much flavor it's not just like an ordinary bonito it's really good I have one each so I'm gonna go back and eats them again and then what's good is that they give you those like pickled garlic, not garlic  pickled ginger so it's really good in-between sushi so that you can cleanse  your palate before you go and eat the next sushi  at Kura Sushi you normally put the plates in this bin kind of thing  but because I want to stack it and feel that

Sushi Mukbang 🍣 Conveyor Belt Sushi

sense of achievement I won't put it in here just yet  so I'm gonna have it beside me some of the plates are actually 200 yen you see these 100 yen  plates are just like single plates but then if some of them are like 200 yen  it comes in this like ring thing and that's because they have two plates inside to  show that they're actually 200 yen rather than 100 yen and this one is Hotate scallops I'm gonna put some soy sauce they're surprisingly quite fresh and

as the meat of the scallop it's really really thick it's really good at Kura Sushi you get these like iPad looking things this is like a mini capsule toy game that you can do so yes I'm gonna do that here you can order your sushi on the tablet and then they deliver it to you right here so here's the tablet menu and it says you can choose language and they have Japanese English Chinese and Korean so let's go with English right and oh no but I don't know the fish names in English oh yeah they have like sushi plates and donburi as well as like a lunch

set some udon noodles some ramen curry eel but I'm feeling more like sushi let's go with shrimp I'll go with raw shrimp and you can also choose between like a normal amount of rice and half the amount of rice so if you're trying to limit some carb intake then you can choose half but you know I ain't going for that haha oh yeah they have meaty sushi let's go with fatty black lberian pork Iberian? Iberian? I don't know how you pronounce it you know what I actually love  the egg roll sushi so I'm gonna go for that as well I think that

That should be it for now so I got some egg roll and pork I just got a plate of tuna and the prawn came on the fast track lane I'm gonna go for the tuna that's really soft some raw prawns the tip for you when you're eating this is that  you want to get rid of the tail first before you eat the sushi  onto the fatty pork there's so much fat in this look at that oh my god you guys did not just see that the sauce tastes kind of like a teriyaki sauce it's soy sauce-based  and it's like sweet and

Sushi Mukbang 🍣 Conveyor Belt Sushi

salty it's really nice and the pork is of course very fatty now onto the actual one of my actual favorite sushi an egg roll sushi I love this egg roll sushi because it is very sweet and it goes really well with the rice tuna I got some sea urchin do you also feel that sense of achievement this sushi is actually quite special because it has like sea urchin squid and also some sort of like slimy seaweed inside it's actually quite unique I like it guys big news I found some cheddar, oh

sorry this is in Japanese I found some cheddar cheese tempura sushi

I've actually never seen this at Kura Sushi before so I'm going to give it a try yay I got the cheddar cheese tempura to look at that I guess that's the sauce so I'm not gonna put any soy sauce on is it hot? hm it could be a bit hot but I'm gonna try to have it in one go actually no  you can tell that it's just been fried  it's so crispy and surprisingly I'm not like that still I am full but I'm not like  overloaded yeah so I think I'm gonna go for maybe some I do fancy some ramen or udon  but maybe that could be a bit too much I mean I probably could eat it but I'll have a look at some desserts and if anyone fancies

there's also the  lactic acid bacteria water I had a look at the dessert menu and they had things like chocolate cake cheesecake  Mille crepe honey castella cake and stuff like that but I thought I'd go for a warabi mochi  it's like this translucent looking mochi with soybean powder on top and you have that and I also  fancy some coffee so I'm gonna have some premier hot coffee sugar free yeah that's how I like it yay now I'm gonna show you how the capsule toy machine game works so every five plates of  sushi plate that you put

in you get to go for one round of the capsule toy game okay let's go  and then it gets counted on the screen here oh I got my coffee so it's like a race go go go go oh my god guys let's see what I got I got like a magnet how cute is that I'm gonna take it home  second round let's see if it happens twice a gun shooting game NOOOOO 😭 yeah and I only have two left so I guess it's not happening anymore bye you can enjoy some nice tea time at a sushi place how

Sushi Mukbang 🍣 Conveyor Belt Sushi

great is that  so here's the warabimochi they actually provide you with some spoons here so I'm going to have it with  a spoon there we go so warabimochi are these like as I said they're like some translucent mochi  with some soy bean powder and some brown sugar and syrup I really really love soybean powder so these are like my one of my favorite sweets and then some black coffee I guess it's quite hot so I'm gonna open the lid so this was a 180 yen do you think  these are a bit more expensive compared to the sushi but i

believe they're good  it's definitely not a quality that you would expect at a sushi restaurant once you're done with the meal you press this checkout button and the staff will come to your table and have a look at  how many places you ate and also like if you had any drinks or desserts they'll check that out and  they'll give you a receipt and then you go to the checkout counter at the entrance and pay your bill  all right guys that's it for the video today thank you very much for watching I could have eaten a  little more but I decided not to because yeah as I said i don't want to like overload myself  so yeah if you enjoyed this video please don't forget to give it a thumbs up because it really  supports my channel and also subscribe to see more future videos about Japanese foods and culture bye~ bye sushi

Sushi Mukbang 🍣 Conveyor Belt Sushi

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