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Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Irish People Try Boba (Vivi Bubble Tea)

- I've had friends who've gotten like, cream cheese flavored bubble teas and things. - That's insane. - I don't like the sound of that. - I don't like surprise cheese. - No, I don't like it.

(laughs) - Never liked surprise cheese. - If there's one thing I've learned. Yeah. (laughs) (bright upbeat music) I've never had it. I am so intrigued by this.

- It's otherwise known as boba, I think. I think it was big in America for a while. And now, there's a bunch of- - Mm. - Like, there are actually a few places in Dublin that do it.

Irish People Try Boba (Bubble Tea)

- Yeah.

- Yeah. - The best way, I would think, to describe the taste is, you know when you have a bowl of cereal. - Yeah. - And the milk that's leftover at the end. - Ooh.

- That's how I always think about it as. Just cereal milk. - Yeah, what's tapioca? Because I feel like it's not a thing here. I know there's tapioca pudding.

That's all I know. - 'Cause I've heard it - Yeah. - in TV shows. - Yeah. - You know when they talk about it, and I'm like, is that flan?

Flan? - (chuckles) Flan? - I don't know. (bright upbeat music) - Damn! - Oh my gosh.

- This- Oh, I love a thick straw.

- He's like, I'm just gonna give them the bits, and then they can try to figure out how to put it together themselves. - Have you ever, like, caught a tadpole, or like, scooped up some tadpole? - You don't know me very well, do you? - Well, no, but I'm trying to get to know you.

- Have I picked up a tadpole? - So this - - I'm just diving in. Sorry. I don't - Jesus, you've stabbed.

You've stabbed in.

- [inaudible] cause I've never had it before. - Bubble tea is a vampire. Right? So you're like, like that. You're gonna put it in.

- It's so messy. - You just have to, there you go. - That's a bit of fun. - That is fun! - You, you just went straight in.

I tried to ease in and it was, it was a bad move. - No, it was worse doing that. - You'd have to work that hard for a cup of tea. - There you go. - Oh, that's interesting.

- I'm sucking. Nothing's coming. - Oh God. - You look like you're being pranked. - You chew or, I don't know.

Irish People Try Boba (Bubble Tea)

- I don't know. - Oh God no. What? - As much as you chew, it just goes back to it's normal shape. And that's freaking me out.

- Yeah. - You can chew them and chew them and they don't change their shape at all. - Ooh, so tea? - My initial taste is like fishy or something, it's like, are you getting that? - Not really.

- It's like, finding something down the back of your couch that was at some point a form of food and thinking, do you know what I should do? Put that in my mouth.

- I mean, the balls just like fly up. Like, there are so many of them. You're trying to take a sip of the water and you're like, assaulted by them.

(chokes) - Oh my God. A tapioca ball-like went loose. - It popped outta your nose. (both laughing) - You don't want this many balls in your mouth when you're having a nice drink. - Absolutely not.

- The tea itself, definitely just tastes like a regular cup of standard tea with a drop of milk. - It is. It's like the tea taste. That's what I thought was fish. What is wrong with my taste buds?

- It's mad. 'cause the more you chew them - - What a great advertising campaign. Tapioca balls - it's mad. - It's mad.

- And I'm not gone on the balls at all.

- No. - I'm just, they're better than the liquid currently. - The balls I will admit, are growing on me, but - then - it's - Good. It drops soon. Yeah.

Finally. (high pitch voice) I'm very excited. - Now when I see pictures of bubble tea, it's usually this color combination. So I'm interested to try like a different one. - Colin.

I want you to rock my world with these. - Yes, that would be nice. (bright upbeat music) - Very nice. - Ooh. These are different shapes.

- I'm scared. - Oh. Is mine doing that and I just haven't looked? - It's got little funky bits.

Irish People Try Boba (Bubble Tea)

- Someone fucked up a milkshake.

- Exactly. Like really badly. Yeah. - Yeah. - Are these jelly cubes?

- Jelly cubes. - Jelly cubes. - Oh, you're gonna mix it. - I'm gonna try and mix it up. I'm gonna try and mix it up.

- Oh look now it's all pink! That's nice. - You are so quick. - Oh yeah? - You're like I've taken to this.

What's that? Ugh. - If this is the dangerous part - I did it! that was smooth. - Sorry.

I, there was too much. I'm putting too much force into this. - I mean, now I'm expecting better from this because I'm gonna guess strawberry. - It kind of looks strawberry. - Yeah.

If it's strawberry, I'm gonna lose my mind. - Oh. - It's actually really good. - Yeah. It's extremely sweet.

- It's very sweet. - Oh, why are the cubes weird? - I'm not getting any of the rectangles though. This is what happens. They're stuck.

- It's very difficult to, - I just suck a cube through a straw. - Oh. - What did you get, one of the bits? - No? - No!

- They're great. - Well, I can't get them! - These jellies are definitely not made for the straw. I'd get them over the bubbles. - No.

- Oh they are really good. This is really nice. This tastes, like a strawberry cheesecake in a cup.

- It's very sweet. - Oh, it's too sweet, ugh.

Outrageously sweet. - It's a strawberry sensation. - It's a strawberry sensation. It's easier to take than the balls. - Yeah.

- I'm giving this a nine. - I'm gonna say eight. I'm gonna say eight. - Oh. - Underplaying it.

- I understand. I - Leaving the room. There are two more. There are two more? See yeah.

Irish People Try Boba (Bubble Tea)

I want to like, you know, we'll see how it goes. - I actually prefer the oolong. - Ooh! - Would you believe it? I really like those chewy balls.

- And now okay, if we're talking about the balls I much prefer the balls. The tea itself isn't as bad, but the jelly's really? - Oh God. Oh, God. That's.

I don't think you were ready for that jelly. - I was not ready for that jelly. - I want to - If you go back to balls, I swear to God I will punch a wall.

- I actually wouldn't mind, because it was a lot easier for me to get the balls up the straw than the rectangle things. Do you know what I mean?

- Yeah. I know what you mean. (bright upbeat music) - Oh! - This is stunning. - Very exciting.

It- So purple. - It's very purple. - Oh. Oh. - I'm excited.

- Is it gonna taste in any way in relation to the color, or is that just food coloring? - This is the cereal milk. - Oh amazing. - Yeah. - I'm so excited.

- Spyro. Spyro the Dragon flavor. - It is Spyro the Dragon flavor! Made with real pieces of a dragon. - This reminds me of the Specter of Death.

(laughs) - Delicious! - What makes it purple? - Taro. - Taro? - I don't know what taro is, but it's always purple.

- I'm intrigued. Cause I have no idea what this is gonna taste like. - yeah, I'm going to hazard a guess that it's going to be ridiculously sweet. - Cheers. - Cheers.

- Hmm. - Do you like it? - I don't mind it. - Oh my God. You're so right.

It tastes like cereal milk. - It really does. - Ah, there's a turnip in there! That is a root vegetable out of nowhere. - It tastes like the color purple.

It tastes like child's paint or something. - That is insane. - Mm. - That's a soup. - That's amazing.

- (Laughs) What? - Incredible.

- Now to be fair, you thought the first tasted of fish, so. - I know, I know I'm not a really good yardstick for how things taste. I'm, yeah.

- Cheerios. - Cheerios. Yeah. Cheerios. And you just like to drink the milk at the end.

- You know when you have a really sugary sweet cereal and the milk left at the end? - Ha! Oh, God. Yeah. - Like I'm saying like one to one it's cereal milk.

- Yeah. - I got a slight hint of flan. (laughs) - This might be one of my new favorite flavors ever. - You can have it. You can have it all.

- This is great. It looks great as well. Purple is, cool color. - I'm not a big fan of the blue balls coming back. - No.

- I like the feel of the tapioca balls in the straw, feels like I'm biting on the vein of a very powerful animal. I feel like I'm taking some of its essences. - Oh my God. - What? I, like I'm right?

- Just can't get turnips out of my head.

Irish People Try Boba (Bubble Tea)

Even though I know it's not a turnip. It's similar to a potato. - I'm genuinely amazed at this. I love it.

- I just kind of would wonder who would like the taste of this? Maybe it's an acquired taste? Like maybe if I had this more often, then I'd be like, ooh, I really want that like purple potato. - The best? It's the best.

It's my favorite flavor. If I could get taro-flavored cereal and then drink the milk of that at the end, I feel like I would be very powerful. (bright upbeat music) - Oh, I'm optimistic about this one. - Death to milk. - This is mad.

This is no milk. - This is like a weird tequila sunrise that goes from sunrise to like sunset and then into like hell underneath, you know? - You know, if you go into a pub and they haven't cleaned the toilets from the night before? (laughs) - Is this like an iced tea, kind of? - I'm excited about this.

We're getting both of the bubbly uh, rectangle-y things. - 3, 2, 1. - Ah ha! - Success! - Slainte.

How are we feeling? - It's very chewy. - Mm-hmm. - It tastes amazing. What is that?

- This is nice. - Mm. It's very good. - Ah. - Ah, okay.

There we go. - I love iced tea. - They did it. - That was great. They found the one for me.

I know my order now. - Fucking hell, like you're trying to take a drink. I'm like, mm, iced tea. I'm gonna get six of those fucking balls and then a few of the rectangles. - I like the odd chewy ball, but there's so much, that's a meal.

- Like I, oh fuck me. Jesus. It's going everywhere. They don't seal it properly at all. - You're making a mess in all different sorts of ways.

- You're doing completely fine. - The liquid that it's in is so good. It's like a really, really good Snapple. - Oh yeah. Just bring the straw up and just drink the passion fruit.

- Drink the passion. Fruit. - Though it doesn't have the milky weirdness that all the other ones have which is probably why we enjoy it so much.

Irish People Try Boba (Bubble Tea)

- I can see it being a summer drink, but it's my least favorite. - The only thing I'd change about this is maybe slightly fewer tapioca balls.

- Yeah. - I, I just don't mind them. There's just a lot. - Doesn't need the balls. Doesn't need the rectangles.

You know, why mess with it? - I feel so full of tapioca and jelly-like that my stomach is just engorged now. - Yeah. I feel the same. - Yeah.

It's a lot. - This is a 10. We go all out. Why not? I don't think that they're gonna top this.

- I'd ask for this in [inaudible], could you just hold the balls please? - I feel very heavy now. (laughs) - You're beautiful. - No! - Oh that was the last one, was it?

Oh, so that's the last straw.

- Oh my God. Get out. - That was a magical adventure from start to finish. - I feel like I'm the Obi-Wan Kenobi of your bubble tea adventure.

- Probably won't seek it out after this video, but it was an experience. That's it really. - Yeah. Great way to spend 10 minutes on YouTube. - Exactly.

- I'll never visit it again. - Oh, I have so much milk in my belly. If you also have milk in your belly, you can subscribe and hit the like button, and share. - But you can also do that if you don't have milk in your belly. - We're a multi milk belly having channel here.

Okay. We don't judge the amount of milk in your belly. If you want, if you have a little [inaudible] subscribe. - He's got those words good...

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