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Thursday, April 14, 2022

I Cooked CHICKEN TACOS with Bell Peppers | The BEST Chicken Taco Recipe

 hey what's up my name is Jelan abrams and today we're making chicken tacos  so basically what you're gonna need is two pieces of chicken breasts or one piece of chicken breast  just depends on how big you're cooking for or just cooking for yourself you need an onion  you're gonna need orange bell pepper red bell pepper and green bell pepper and then you're gonna need some ground cumin some chipotle seasoning and if you  don't have chipotle seasoning

you could use chili powder as well as salt paprika soft taco so we already cleaned the chicken so next we're just gonna basically cut up the chicken in the shape that we want so we can put them into the tacos so we're done with this I'm gonna set this to the side now we're gonna start cutting out bell peppers and our onion and this is the onion so if I do start crying listen this is a part of it

I Cooked CHICKEN TACOS with Bell Peppers | The BEST Chicken Taco Recipe okay  but I did hear if you don't cut the butt off you have a chance of not crying so you  gotta leave that part on so what I'm gonna try to do is cut it in half so we've got it  cut in half we're only going to use half of it because we're not going to need all that  and we're not going to cut the butt because we don't want to cry so we're going to cut it  this way and onions are really good for you by the way they're they're super good I did some research  and you kind of want to change up your greens in your diet but you also want to add onions  because onions are very good I usually don't use onions but after I did that I'm a start using  onions more often all right so we got a little bit cut and I didn't cry a bit guys so it might  this might be the trick I might have taught y'all something new and if I do cry I'm cutting off a camera so y'all ain't gonna know anyway boom you don't need that the inside we're gonna cut out oh whoa what's up cuz I got little seeds in it for these I wanted to slice it long way so you're going to cut it down this way so it's going to be  a little cool for the tacos but the reason why I'm doing so many bell peppers in there is for color  so like I said before color tricks you to think something is better than it is because now your  plate is like oh

I Cooked CHICKEN TACOS with Bell Peppers | The BEST Chicken Taco Recipe

I Cooked CHICKEN TACOS with Bell Peppers | The BEST Chicken Taco Recipe

wow this is a lot why am I feeling tears coming down so more color on your  plate it's more attractive so now you're like man this looks this is like something I want to eat okay so we're going to start with our handy dandy  avocado oil which I need to be sponsored by the way so we gotta make that happen all right this one is pretty hot so we can start getting the chicken in there so for the chicken I usually do add seasoning first and it cooks  through but since I have the bell peppers and onions in the other stove I want to add the seasoning once that is done so once I add the onions and stuff to this  then I'm going to add all the seasoning on top see the onions are starting to brown up a little bit  so probably a few more minutes and then they're going to be ready to go in there with the chicken I know you can't see me but I'm here so these things are  nice and soft now so now we're going to add it to the chicken and now we got the chicken and the onions and bell peppers together we want to mix it up make sure it's nice and hot  should be good flip it we're just heating it up all right so this is I was kind of hungry I bit into it before I did this conclusion  but yeah so basically cook the chicken cook the bell peppers cook the onion taco shells heat it  up a little bit and

I Cooked CHICKEN TACOS with Bell Peppers | The BEST Chicken Taco Recipe

you got a taco so it says you know wasn't that bad to make it was pretty simple  so this is just another idea for you to make that you don't have to go out and you know to go to taco  bells or go to moles or whatever low Mexican restaurants they have you actually make  tacos by yourself so if you like videos like this give a thumbs up if you actually try this recipe  let me know to leave it in the comments let me know how it went was it you know success and subscribe  but I'll see you next time where we gonna cook something else

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