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Wednesday, April 13, 2022

How To Make Bubble Tea • Tasty

hey, guys, I'm Jasmine and I love boba you might have seen me over on bringing me trying to finish a gallon of boba milk tea or trying unique boba treats in Taiwan because for me boba is just one of those things that can turn a bad day into a better one so I thought I would share five delicious and gorgeous boba recipes with you all so we can enjoy them together all right guys we're gonna start by making the boba first we're making it from scratch of course if you don't want to make it from scratch

How To Make Bubble Tea • Tasty

you can buy pre-made boba from any local Asian grocery store but actually making boba from scratch is quite easy and is only three ingredients three not six three so let's start by adding in our water and our muscovado sugar and we're going to turn that on to a medium-high heat we're going to stir this until it dissolves and comes to a boil it's starting to boil so I am going to add in a little bit of tapioca flour you want to mix this in well because we don't want these clumps if you find that you're clumping too much you can add a little bit of water to make that dissolve just a little bit easier once it looks something like this we're going to add in half of our tapioca mixture so we're just going to stir this really vigorously until it forms a super sticky dough now that you got a super sticky dough-like

this we're going to turn the heat off we're going to add in the rest of our tapioca flour and once that forms into a ball we're going to move over to a new workstation and roll out the dough i just let our boba dough cool for a little bit and i'm transferring it onto this clean counter and i'm just going to incorporate all the tapioca flour into the dough if your dough feels a little dry you can add a little bit more water if you feel like your dough is too wet you can add a little bit more tapioca flour i'm just gonna knead it until it's all incorporated once your dough is formed it should look something like this roll it into a thick little oval like this like a potato i split it in half and then we can easily roll both out if it gets too long you can separate them when you think it's the right size make it just a little bit smaller because it does expand when you cook it and the boba dough does get harder to roll once it cools down so if you want you can put like a warm wet towel over part of the dough while you're rolling out the other part alrighty so i have four thinly rolled boba dough logs and i am just going to put them together and i'm going to be cutting them into small little boba pieces i think a quarter inch it's also okay that they're not all uniform so now that we've gotten them into our little baby pieces we roll them up into little balls let me show you a couple hacks on how i make this a little quicker of a process so of course you can do it one by one like this and you have your little boba or sometimes

i'm able to put five on my palm i'll put my palm over the other and after some good old rolling you'll have your delicious boobas uh it didn't work today's not a good day all right so after some time rolling you'll be able to see that they come out like this perfect and then we throw them into a bowl with some tapioca flour and make sure they're well coated so they don't stick to each other the other hack is spreading them onto the cutting board or your counter wherever workspace that you choose and just go to town if you occasionally feel lazy in the kitchen like me then this hack is great but make sure your dough isn't too cold or this hack won't work tada look at that little boba babies i call it boba but you know in different parts of the world they are called something different boba bubble tea pearls in taiwan they say which is pearl now that the water has come to a rolling boil we're going to add in all of our boba and we're going to stir it so it doesn't stick together it's going to turn a little cloudy just because of that excess tapioca flour that was coating it you can mainly leave it

unbothered for the next 20 minutes or so while the boba's cooking let's make our brown sugar syrup it's very simple we're just gonna add in some mascarpone sugar and some water gonna mix it and let it reduce just a little bit so it's nice and viscous we are going to pour it into this heat resistant glass over here yes gorgeous so now that the bulb is done we're gonna drain it and rinse it with cold water to keep it from cooking even more and

How To Make Bubble Tea • Tasty

then we're gonna give our boba a brown sugar bath you hear that so we're gonna leave our bobas in this brown sugar syrup bath for about 30 minutes to an hour just so it can really soak up that delicious deep flavor of the musca bottle sugar yum I put this one first because I think everyone trying boba for the first time should definitely try the classic boba milk tea experience the first step for making a boba milk tea is to make our tea my favorite part is when the teabag hits the water and then that heat that is slowly bubbling up it causes that tea leaf to just release its gorgeous dark brown hue and you can see those swirls in the water and then you take your spoon that's my favorite part you press on the tea bag and it just like explodes with color so while the tea is cooling down we're gonna make our milk mixture I personally love using condensed milk because I think it gives it a much richer flavor it makes your boba milk tea multi-dimensional and I want every

experience with my boba to be multi-dimensional once you have those two together you can whisk until it's combined so this condensed milk mixture does make your drink even sweeter especially with the muscovado sugar bath that the boba is currently in so if you prefer your drinks to be less sweet you can just sub it with more black tea on average when i go to boba shops i get a 25 or 50 sweet time to assemble our first drink so we're gonna start by adding in our boba and then add in some ice and then we're gonna add in our black tea and top it with our sweetened milk i like to add it slowly over a spoon to slow down that pour and really get those swirls you can see that i'm actually failing here but it's okay because it's still pretty and delicious and voila that's our first drink the classic black milk tea with boba wow that is so good all right guys the next drink we're making is a mango slush with boba it's absolutely delicious it was one of my childhood favorites because it's just so sweet and summery and refreshing it's super easy take your blender and we're going to add in some frozen mango chunks some water and some condensed milk and just blend away once we've

blended everything together we can grab a glass and i'm adding in some boba that we made earlier and of course topping it with our mango smoothie look at how beautiful it is i love it time to drink the mango smoothie with boba this will be a throwback mmm mango smoothie guys i mean come on it's so refreshing [Music] the next drink we are going to make is a strawberry matcha latte let's start by making our strawberry puree we're going to add in half a cup of diced strawberries and two tablespoons of sugar we're gonna muddle it with a fork until it's nice and juicy you can muddle it to your liking so if you like chunks in your drink feel free to leave some chunks now that we have it muddled we're gonna let it sit for 10 minutes so while that's sitting we're going to go and make our tea we're going to add a teaspoon of matcha powder to a third cup of hot water and whisk it until bubbles form on the surface if you don't have a whisk or a matcha whisk don't worry you can totally just use a fork we're gonna add in our boba per the usual and then we're gonna top it with our muddled strawberries now put in the ice after the strawberries this will help with the layering we're gonna slowly add in the half and half the last step for this drink is to add our matcha again slowly

pour it over this drink this drink is like very anxiety heavy huh slowly oh slowly slowly look guys it's so pretty strawberry matcha latte the colors are just absolutely gorgeous if you're trying to impress your friends this is a drink to make but i have to mix it i'm sad i have to but you know it's just the way things are it actually is still very pretty those chunks of strawberry are giving it a nice hint of red cheers [Music] it's the perfect blend of matcha and strawberry it's light creamy and fruity i got a mouthful of strawberry puree and i'm in heaven this is the taro milky with boba it has a nuttiness to it that the other drinks don't have so i've already steeped my green tea and let it come to room temperature and now i'm going to whisk my taro powder into the green tea if you haven't had taro before taro is a root i would compare it to a sweet potato but slightly more bland and slightly more sweet it's very delicious you can also sub the green tea with water if you're not looking for a caffeine kick but trust me the taste with the green tea just elevates it to a whole other level let's get to assembling add in our boba add some ice and then pour the taro tea into the glass and then slowly add in our two tablespoons of half and half again if you want that gorgeous swirl you can pour it slowly over the back of a spoon mix it up and it's time to drink cheers when you are chewing it and the flavor of the taro milk tea is fusing with the boba flavor next level guys next level this is like the big home run because i think it's the prettiest this is the pt latte with boba if you don't know what pt is it's a type of tea derived from the butterfly pea flower and it has this beautiful blue color and if you

How To Make Bubble Tea • Tasty

squeeze a lemon into it it turns purple look at that a purple tee we're gonna steep a teaspoon of loose pt leaves in a cup of hot water for about five minutes and then we're gonna strain it and let it come to room temperature that's essentially it's time to assemble and we're gonna start by adding in our boba ice and then pour in our pt oh it's so pretty look at that blue I almost don't want to ruin it's just so gorgeous but we are we're going to add in a couple tablespoons of half and a half and it will look like you're drinking the ocean and there you have it the pt latte with boba it's so gorgeous let's give it a try I would say it tastes like a very very light version of thai tea so if you enjoy lighter teas this may be for you there you have it five must try boba recipes that are deliciously unique and beautiful if you end up making any of these boba recipes or all of the boba recipes make sure to tag me on instagram so I can see it bye oh yes [Music] do

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