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Thursday, April 14, 2022

Is Del Taco's $1 BBQ Crispy Chicken Taco The Perfect Snack?

 hello everyone this is running on empty food review well hello ladies and gentlemen and everyone  watching this is running on empty food review I'm your host the report of the week as you can see by  that little bit of a swallow that I did about five seconds into the introduction and by this uh well  this jacket that I don't think I've broken out in probably over a year though I might be wrong  this is a slight variance from what I normally do now allow me to explain when it comes  down to these reviews you know one thing

that I think this channel has kind of a reputation for I always like to review the things that people are talking about now by that I mean you know like  let's say McDonald's releases a new item where you have you know the king of burgers burger king  releasing a sandwich or wendy's has something out of pizza hut or um let's say taco bell or whatever  you know I try to review things that are topical lots of people are you know thinking about may be  wondering what they taste like and that have wide availability too um but I know del taco is still a  pretty popular place I know that especially in the west coast

Is Del Taco's $1 BBQ Crispy Chicken Taco The Perfect Snack?

there are a few establishments I know  there are some in Florida and I think there are some in other parts of the country too but I know  that they may not be the most you know the readily available um place you know in in the world so  to speak now maybe things will change maybe a day will come where del tacos will start literally  sprouting out of the ground like mushrooms um that'll be the day I tell you but I was looking  and I thought to myself you know I want to take a little bit of a break from the norm because this  item it honestly just interested me I thought it's been months since I've had anything from dal taco I really just want to try this out see if it's a good item it's like this is something that I just want to get to eat it seemed like a really interesting and a tasty item just from reading  about it and I just

want to see if it's all that good and uh you know to share it with all of you  so that's exactly why I'm here tonight and that because of that again is why I'm breaking out  this jacket if the pattern does interfere with the resolution of the video that's not because of the  jacket itself but it's actually the power of the barbecue crispy chicken taco here in front of me  now I kind of gave away what exactly this is uh yes this is the barbecue crispy chicken taco  from del taco now this is a fairly new item they released it maybe like a week or two ago so I mean  it's not like right off the presses but it is still newer uh an item this is continuing their  series of crispy

chicken tacos they originally released some crispy chicken tacos I'd

say  maybe seven or eight months ago I think it was like august or September maybe  and I tried out one of those I thought it was actually a pretty decent an item  and now I guess they're adding some little barbecue sauce to it  it's available at a pretty good price that's one of the reasons why this actually caught my  eye you can get this taco here for the price of one dollar which I mean you want to talk about  cheap eats I mean that's it right there so here's what it has on it it has a crispy chicken strip  all right so think of like a chicken finger or fillet or cutlet or whatever you want to call it  you know so you have that it's crispy as we said it comes with lettuce

Is Del Taco's $1 BBQ Crispy Chicken Taco The Perfect Snack?

cheddar cheese  and the chipotle barbecue sauce now I got some sauces too you know just for the heck  of it if I want to kind of play around with them and see what it tastes like but I don't  think it'll really need the sauce because it's got this chipotle barbecue sauce so uh  really I just want to try it out see what it tastes like and see if it's a good item or not  one thing that you know kind of crossed my mind as I was getting this I thought  to myself if it's really really good I mean for the price of a buck you know this might be one  of their better items I must say but it might be dreadful right we don't know  we'll tell it like it is no matter what so this is what it looks

like right here  you can see this white thing around it um some people wondered is that my pocket-handkerchief because obviously, I don't have one right now did I use that as like a sort  of containment device for the taco but it's not no it's actually what they call a tortilla  now a tortilla is a fairly new invention it's actually invented back in the 90s by these two  brothers in portland Oregon I believe and it's a pretty interesting contraption it's actually used  to hold the food you know but instead of just putting it in the palm of your hand  you actually put it again in this holding device a known you know most commonly as a tortilla  so it's just some interesting factoids right there that I might be making up on the spot but maybe I'm not but I probably am you can see that's what  it looks like let's open it up a little bit more from this

angle it looks like you could really see the sauce there the barbecue sauce you can see the cheese you can see the chicken strip  kind of takes up the entire length of the taco and some lettuce some cheese and that barbecue  sauce pretty basic pretty straightforward I would say and um let me try something  new with the thumbnail right here let me try something like this we'll try this angle first  kind of interesting perspective I must say it's like look at this thing from this angle the  thing looks like it's the size of my head like wow for a buck you're really getting this giant  this is like a bathtub sized taco right there is that something and then we'll just do  the traditional one, of course, you know where I stand here and I smile like an

automaton something like that and again I'm just kind of messing around tonight let's get  one a little closer something like this and then one even closer still a little serious like that you know you know how it is the thumbnails are important that's all that we got  all right you know what's on it I know what's on it the one dollar barbecue crispy chicken  taco from del taco hey let's try it out let's see how good it is it's going in hmm one more bite one thing that I really have to say about this taco you know and I try not to factor things like  one thing that some have actually criticized me um about in the past is I think some people say well  sometimes you factor price in a little too much you know in terms of certain items  and I could understand the angle that some people are kind of

saying that from I mean for instance  let's say you have a burger that is priced variably you know from four to seven dollars  most people get it for four bucks but you know I just I'm in an area where it's a little expensive I get it for seven and I just rag on it endlessly because it's a little pricier right I understand  some people do have an issue with that but in this case, you have this taco and it's available  universally you know at any del taco establishment for the price of one meager dollar you know one dollar, uh you know and that's a good deal that really is I will say this I think while the  taco in and of itself would not constitute right a total meal for

Is Del Taco's $1 BBQ Crispy Chicken Taco The Perfect Snack?

most I mean for me I could probably  get two of these and I'd be set but for many, it would be more like a snack than anything else  it's really good I gotta say um this is definitely a really good snack if  nothing else but think about it you can get five of these for just five bucks it's a good deal I like it it's basic but they nailed it I think as you can see the chicken they didn't put a  tiny little piece on you could really see and I showed you you know in the cross-section seemingly  endlessly from end to end of the tortilla it's all chicken you're getting a good-sized chicken strip  and you could see that it did have some thickness to it it's not a tiny little piece of chicken

like  you would get at some establishments you know if you're just forking over a dollar  so you're getting a good piece of chicken number one number two you can definitely taste  even though you weren't hearing the sound of my molars shattering this time around um there was  still crispiness to it crisp to it but also the chicken in and of itself was still juicy  it was still flavorful still a decent quality now yeah this isn't maybe the type of quality that  you know you would see Gordon Ramsay running around in the kitchen over  but you know for fast food it's good quality chicken has a little bit of like a black prep  black pepper coating as well which just adds a little bit of flavor but you're  getting a good piece of chicken and for a buck, a decent amount the cheddar cheese isn't

like  you know the world's highest quality cheese you can see it's just these little strings of it  but there's a good amount it's not overbearing it's not overwhelming one problem I had with  dal taco in the past was that they would put too much cheddar on it at times but it seems like the  kind of you know moderated it out a little bit for lack of a better word and there just seems  to be a good balance of everything the lettuce is fresh that's one thing actually in the description  they said it was crispy lettuce and it does have this fresh you know crispiness to it I really  must say and then the barbecue sauce is what ties it all together I think  if

Is Del Taco's $1 BBQ Crispy Chicken Taco The Perfect Snack?

it wasn't for the barbecue sauce you know I'd say it's more average but that barbecue sauce hits  the spot I gotta say it definitely it's like the little nice cherry on top so to speak has  it has this nice combination of a little hint of sweetness and a little bit of spice too but not  overwhelmingly so I kind of went for my you know metallic apocalypse proof um jug of water  mug I guess you know only once or twice but there's still a nice little spice that's like a  more of a flavorful spice but this nice sweetness to it's really a nice balance it's a good  barbecue sauce and a little goes a long way you don't really need a ton and as a result, I don't  really think that you would

need these sauces I mean if you want to live you know on the edge  you can, by all means, get them and do whatever you want with them but I would say that uh it really  holds its own without the need for any sort of sauce so all in all I mean price-wise you're  spending just a buck on this better than most dollar menu items out there I think if anything  um it's pretty flavorful pretty well rounded I don't really have any complaints here if you  like barbecue chicken and you want to try it on a taco I say get this because it's pretty good  like I said one just constitutes a nice snack but hey for some pocket change you have yourself a  pretty decent meal I must say so therefore out of 10 factoring in the price the quality the flavor  really i

think they did a good job I'd say this is an easy nine out of ten  the barbecue crispy chicken taco from del taco definitely maybe it's not the  best menu on their item I'd say it's definitely one of the better ones ladies and gentlemen that's all that I have for you I'm your host the report of the week  and today we tried out the barbecue crispy chicken taco from del taco take care, everyone

Is Del Taco's $1 BBQ Crispy Chicken Taco The Perfect Snack?

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